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at Sayyiduna Uthman Islamic Academy

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Help us establish the Your Islamic Centre (SUIA - SAYYIDUNA UTHMAN ISLAMIC ACADEMY) in Georgetown The need in Georgetown for a full Islamic Centre is great, and we have looked to secure an existing property for the purpose of conversion into a full-time masjid with maktab and other programs running daily. The area currently has approximately 150 Muslim families with 50 people regularly coming together to pray Jummah. The church was purchased for just over $2.97M and we are looking for urgent donations to make the final closing payment on the property. The property has ample parking, is already zoned for worship, and is located next to a public school. The building sits on almost 1 acre of land that can be used for outdoor activities and events. DONATE GENEROUSLY AT -


Your SUIA Team has many initiatives underway and ongoing operations. Please take your share in building the new SUIA in Georgetown by donating generously. The need in Georgetown for a full Islamic Centre is great, and we have looked to secure an existing property for purpose of conversion into a full-time masjid with maktab and other programs running daily. The area currently has approximately 150 Muslim families with 50 people regularly coming together to pray Jummah. The church was purchased for just over $2.97M and we are looking for urgent donations to make the final closing payment on the property. The property has ample parking, is already zoned for worship, and is located next to a public school. The building sits on almost 1 acre of land that can be used for outdoor activities and events. DONATE GENEROUSLY AT -

People of Quran

Who are the people of the Qur’an? who are the people of Allah and the closest to Him? Praise be to Allah. Ibn Maajah (215) and Ahmad (11870) narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily Allah has His own people among mankind.” They said: O Messenger of Allah, who are they? He said: “They are the people of the Qur’an, Allah’s own people and those who are closest to Him.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah. Al-Minnaawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: That is, those who memorise the Qur’an and act in accordance with it are the people of Allah, who are as close to Allah as a person’s family is to him. They are called thus by way of honouring them, just as (the Ka‘bah) is called the House of Allah.

Sayyiduna Uthman Islamic Academy

Sayyiduna Uthman Islamic Academy (SUIA) is looking to establish a new building for Georgetown Muslims. Please donate generously in this sacred cause.

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Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu The Hilal Council of Canada has received verified sightings of the new moon. Thus, the first day of Ra;

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About Us

                            The need in Georgetown for a full Islamic Centre is great, and we have looked to secure an existing property for purpose of conversion into a full-time masjid with maktab and other programs running daily. The area currently has approximately 150 Muslim families with 50 people regularly coming together to pray Jummah.

The church was purchased for just over $2.97M and we are looking for urgent donations to make the final closing payment on the property. The property has ample parking, is already zoned for worship, and is located next to a public school. The building sits on almost 1 acre of land that can be used for outdoor activities and events. 

Academy Information:
•	Incorporated in 2018
•	Received official registered charity status in November 2021
•	Running out of Masjid Ansar in Brampton to further education of deen
•	Started with 21 students
•	Currently have 3 active classes and teachers
•	17 students have completed hifz of the Quran to date


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Donation Debit Cards 💳 / Credit Cards / Cash 💵 / *Who is the one who would give Allāh a good loan so that Allāh multiplies it for him many times?…. (Soorah Al-Baqrah, Aayah 245)* *If you advance a good loan to Allāh, He will multiply it for you, and will forgive you.… (Soorah At-Taghabun, Aayah 17)* Prophet (SAW) gave us glad tiding as follows: «مَنْ بَنٰى لِلهِ مَسْجِدًا بَنَى اللهُ لَهُ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ» (مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ) *“If anyone builds a Masjid for Allāh, Allāh will build a house for him in paradise.”* (Bukhārī & Muslim) 👉🏼 *Donate Via Cheque:* Sayyiduna uthman Islamic academy DONATION LINK ** Alhumdulilah We have purchased church and made masjid for 3.1 million We have 2.1million qarz e hassan to be paid intrest free loan Alhumdulilah masjid has started 5 time salah quraan class More than 200 family live around the masjid We are registered charity tax recipes will sent to you . We request you donat generously If any one want to give us Qardh hasana interest free LOAN please cantact us we need carpet and we need to build sister washrooms and wudhoo facility.. DONATION LINK ** E transfer ** 1st masjid in Georgetown 100 Mountainview Rd S, Georgetown, ON L7G 4K6 Call 416 786 8003

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